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Dieser Tod wird Kunst sein,
und ich werde bald weg sein..

♡ Documents Of A Dead Boy ~ BC-Eternity ♡

A constant wish for something
impossible. A constant dream of
the past. A desire for love
and knowing it's too far gone
to ever find. All I've ever
wanted from this life was
genuine love. I wanted
something to tie me down here
and hold me back from being
willing to see if I could
find another chance. But
there isn't anything. And
there never will be.

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Welcome to Documents Of A Dead Boy.
A place where I talk about everything from my
beliefs to personal interests. And don't worry, when
I say 'beliefs' I don't mean religious. I'm atheist.
I mean my views on life, morality, all that good stuff.

Here I will talk about anything and everything I would
never dare speak of to irls. Some topics may be
sensitive. (As mentioned in the CW on the first page
of this site). In no way, shape, or form, am I encouraging
relapse from any sort of addiction, nor am I discouraging
getting professional help. If you think you need help,
get it. Everything here is simply my life. Nothing more
and nothing less.


  • True Crime
  • Researching Law
  • 70s Aesthetic
  • Researching WW2

  • Dislikes:

  • Most People
  • The Education System
  • Country Music
  • LGBTQ+-phobic
    people (obviously)